Posts tagged irvingpark
Neumanns at Restoration

Mark and Cindy encouraged the church, as we prayed in new elders, about the giftings that God wants to release and unlock through leaders and lay members of the church alike, to build and equip the body of Christ to stand against the strongholds of the enemy and take ground for His Kingdom.

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MARK: The Kingdom of God Wk-10

Anthony continued our Mark: The Kingdom of God series speaking from Mark 10. He pointed us to Jesus’s words as he teaches us how we must approach the father and how we can the inherit the kingdom; by becoming like children! We can not earn this inheritance with our works but we must receive it openheartedly.

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MARK: The Kingdom of God WK-9

Vanessa spoke from Mark 9, emphasizing the urgency of the hour. Jesus directs His disciples to the humble faith of the demon-possessed boy's father, while they are distracted by their own ideas of the kingdom of God. Vanessa urged us to look to Jesus, believe in His words, and continue with confidence and obedience.

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MARK- The Kingdom of God WK-6

Hue continued the 'MARK - The Kingdom of God' series from Mark 6, where Jesus' authority was doubted in His hometown. He urged us to remain confident in our authority in Christ, resist discouragement, keep our hearts open, and boldly pursue our mission to advance God's kingdom.

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Bringing the Kingdom Through Spiritual Maturity

This week Chanelle spoke about expanding God's Kingdom through Spiritual Maturity. This involves undoing of sin's effects by teaching a new way of living in Christ. We are called to grow the Kingdom. To fulfill this, we must focus on: 1) Abiding in Christ, 2) Bearing the Spirit's fruit, and 3) Doing Jesus' works. By staying steadfast, cultivating Christlike character, and stepping out in faith, we will see the Kingdom advance in power and glory.

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