Mark and Cindy encouraged the church, as we prayed in new elders, about the giftings that God wants to release and unlock through leaders and lay members of the church alike, to build and equip the body of Christ to stand against the strongholds of the enemy and take ground for His Kingdom.
Read MoreThis week’s message explored the questions, “What is faith?” “What should we have faith in?” and “How should we have faith?” We were encouraged to act in faith by putting our trust in the person of Jesus. We were also challenged as believers to be intentional in praying for and seeking out opportunities to share our faith with others in our lives.
Read MoreThis week’s message answers the question, “Why did Jesus have to die?” We all have sin and we all are in need of a savior. Jesus was the Savior we needed. He lived the perfect life we could not live and He went to the cross, taking on the punishment for all sin.
Read MoreHue encouraged us to pursue Biblical Fellowship by devoting ourselves to fellowship, the breaking of bread, and to prayer (Acts 2:42).
Read MoreMike encouraged us to pursue true worship by living lives and having hearts of total surrender to God.
Read MoreHue launched our new three part series with a message on the importance of prayer.
Read MoreWe celebrated Resurrection Sunday being reminded of the hope that we have in Jesus because of His resurrection! There is nothing else in life that can sustain our hope. Everything else will fade away. What Jesus offers is eternal.
Read MoreIn this passage, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to His followers. The Holy Spirit being part of the Trinity is God and we should revere Him as such. He is a comforter- an advocate- and He is in every believer.
Read MoreJust as Jesus asked those grieving the death of Lazarus, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” So the same question can be asked of us. If we believe we will follow Jesus, do the things He asks of us, and then we will see the glory of God!
Read MoreHue reminded us of our vision and values as Restoration Church. We are committed to pursuing Jesus and His presence through His Word, we practice Biblical community, and we desire to advance God’s kingdom by sharing the gospel. In doing these things we will be fulfilling our vision which is to, “Glorify Jesus Everywhere.”
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