Hue wrapped up our John series after over a year in the book with chapter 21. We looked at Peter who jumped out of the boat, leaving everything behind, to go to Jesus the moment he recognized Him. This was after Peter had betrayed Jesus and Jesus received him with complete forgiveness. Hue encouraged us to be like Peter and follow after Jesus without hesitation because we know who He is and we know He is trustworthy!
Read MoreThis week Hue preached on John’s account of the resurrection of Jesus in chapter 20. This event changes everything in history and proves that Jesus is Lord. We were encouraged to share about Jesus’ resurrection at every opportunity!
Read MoreDiamond shared on the account of Jesus’ crucifixion found in John 19. Jesus was a model of grace and willingly gave His life for all. We can all be imitators of Jesus and give of ourselves graciously, so others can know Him.
Read MoreVanessa wrapped up John 17 where Jesus is praying for His disciples to have unity. As followers of Jesus we should be united by our love and worship of Jesus and the Father’s love for us. This will also unite us in our heart and mission and keep us from distractions.
Read MoreJesus continues to pray for His disciples. He prays for their protection from the devil and through unity with one another!
Read MoreJesus concludes His Farewell Discourse with a prayer for His disciples and this includes us.
Read MoreWe celebrated Resurrection Sunday being reminded of the hope that we have in Jesus because of His resurrection! There is nothing else in life that can sustain our hope. Everything else will fade away. What Jesus offers is eternal.
Read MoreJesus wraps up his farewell discourse with his disciples, giving specific insight into what the future holds for them. His words are no less relevant for Christians today as we learn that we have a God who always lays out His plan while speaking to us individually regarding the Heart of the matters we face. If we aren’t hearing Him clearly, perhaps our perspective needs adjusting. This perspective encourages us to turn our attention to fellowship with Jesus first.
Read MoreJesus continues to prepare His disciples for what they will face as they share the message of the Gospel after He returns to the Father.
Read MoreJesus continues to prepare His disciples for what they will face as they share the message of the Gospel after He returns to the Father.
Read MoreIn this section of the Farewell Discourse the disciples are warned that the world will hate them. This is true for us as well as we are also disciples of Jesus. When we encounter hate from the world we can be reassured that Jesus is with us, because He gave us the Holy Spirit, and we are therefore capable of continuing to obey Jesus’ commands even in difficult circumstances.
Jesus asks His followers to keep His commands so that they can remain in His love, experience the joy of Jesus, the friendship of Jesus. This is how God’s plan will be made known.
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