Mike exposited on three significant attributes of Jesus as illustrated in Mark 14. He described Jesus as ‘Supremely Paramount,’ emphasizing His ultimate authority and importance in our lives. Additionally, He serves as our ‘Gracious Propitiation,’ highlighting the immense grace He extends to us through His sacrifice. Finally, Mike pointed out that Jesus is ‘Divinely Positioned,’ underscoring His intentional and purposeful role in the divine plan for salvation.
“Humility, Honesty and Honor are essential to holiness and holiness is essential to walking with God and walking with God requires courage.”
Kalena continued our courageous living series on the book of Joshua speaking from chapter 9 challenging us to live according to the call to a life of humility, honesty and honor.
Read More“There is no Suddenly for God, only Gradually”.
Caleb encouraged the church to trust God’s plans and purpose as well as His timing and be faithful throughout the process. God works little by little but we often tend to want it all at once. But God invites us to see the bigger picture and rejoice in the process as he prepares us little by little for His big plans!
Read More“Understand that I HAVE a special gift- and that I AM a special gift to the body of Christ”
Steve and Teri Barr are trusted friends of restoration and they encouraged the church to follow Jesus’ example of humble service and use our gifts to serving Christ and one another wholeheartedly with humility and enthusiasm.
Read More“The word of God” is the entire message of Jesus Christ including its implication for our lives”
John 1:1 walked us through Pauls ministry in Thessalonica from Thessalonians 2 highlighting the Paul’s encouragement for the church to be transformed by God’s work which is at work in those who believe.
Read MoreWorship is the proper response to God’s revalation. Paul calls believers to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice in light of God’s incredible mercy , as an appropriate response . This is our true and proper worship. Wholehearted, unreserved devotion to Him in response to a proper understanding of God's unfailing love for us His unwavering faithfulness.
Read MoreHue reminded us about God’s heart for His people. God’s biggest desire for us is to offer us the gift of salvation and be in fellowship with Him. He then invites to join him in restoring and redeeming all things according to his great plan!
Read MoreHue spoke from Ephesians 1:15-23 continuing on from last week.
“Growing in our revelation of Jesus leads to knowing the hope which God has called us to“
Read MoreHue spoke on how to resist the evil around and within us, which are the works of the devil, by putting on Jesus, relying on him and drawing from him.
Read MoreMat Philip was with us this Sunday and he preached on eldership and the calling of the elder’s of the church to guide, guard, and govern. We are so thankful to him and his wife Sheetal for ministering to us!
Read MoreThis week’s message explored the questions, “What is faith?” “What should we have faith in?” and “How should we have faith?” We were encouraged to act in faith by putting our trust in the person of Jesus. We were also challenged as believers to be intentional in praying for and seeking out opportunities to share our faith with others in our lives.
Read MoreThis week’s sermon answers the question, “Who is Jesus to me?” We all need to grow in our revelation of Jesus because no matter how long we live we will never know all there is to know about Him. This revelation is so important because it will dictate the life we live.
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