Eph 5:21 exhorts us to “be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ”,. Hue expounded Paul’s instruction for husbands to love their wives, wives to respect their husbands, emphasizing the importance of doing so out of reverence for Christ.
Read MoreHue spoke from Ephesians 5 about our transformed lives from darkness to light marked by faith, obedience and spiritual mindedness.
Read MoreHue spoke from Ephesians 4:17-31 urging us to turn away from our old ways and instead to be” made new in the attitude of our minds, putting on the new self so we can fully live into God’s calling for us- to become like Him and live a life of holiness and righteousness.
Read MoreThis week we we started chapter 4 in our Ephesians series. Ryan echoed Paul's words "urging" us "to live in a manner worthy our calling". We are called to be ground and established in God's love, to live in unity and love with his body, the church.
Read MoreThis week we finished Ephesians chapter 3. Hue spoke about the immeasurable love and power of Christ working within us. We must continue to be strengthened in our sensitivity to His Spirit so we can learn the unknowable love of Christ.
Read MoreMike spoke from Ephesians 3 about the mystery revealed by God. Paul speaks about this mystery which compelled him to share it with everyone, the mystery of Christ through whom God brought us into his family!
Read MoreEphesians 2:11-22 lays out the different stages of our position before God. Once we were without God, separated from Him, excluded from His covenant and promise. But God, brought us into his fold through Christ and reconciled us with Himself and allowed us to share in his inheritance.
Read MoreVanessa spoke from Ephisians 2: 1-10 about the human condition of being spiritually dead, pulled by the world and ruled by Satan. But God, saved us by grace through faith beacause of his great love for us!
Read MoreHue spoke from Ephesians 1:15-23 continuing on from last week.
“Growing in our revelation of Jesus leads to knowing the hope which God has called us to“
Read MoreDiamond spoke about encountering God. We can encounter God through Scripture, personal and corporate worship and prayer and in the daily life activities. God wants to make Himself known to us, encourage and equip us for the mission He has called us to.
Read MoreThis week Ryan spoke about Provision, Path and Purpose from Psalm 23: 2-6 continuing on from last weeks message about our Position based on Psalm 23:1.
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