Posts in sermon audio
Galatians 4:1-20

We desire to be people committing all of our hearts to Jesus. This is where the Spirit of His Son resides (Gal 4:6, 2 Cor 1:22). Therefore, we can only live as transformed people by allowing our hearts, through the leading of His Spirit, to set the vision for our lives. Only then, will we be able to truly call ourselves followers of Jesus; when we are led by His Spirit.

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Galatians 3:15-29

Through God’s grace, and Christ’s redeeming work on the cross for our sins, we no longer have to live under the law. Through faith, we are no longer imprisoned, but our sin is now imprisoned as we get to live free in Christ.

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Finding Our Significance in Jesus

We desire to truly live as people who have been set free and rescued into the Kingdom of God! Living as the church who has been transformed and finds her significance in Jesus will bring restoration to people around her. As each of us is living out this mission at Restoration, we will join with all other Christians around the world to eventually bring glory to Jesus everywhere.

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The King and His Kingdom

Thank you Tyrone Daniel for reminding us to find our significance in Christ! “ Our revelation of Jesus determines our mission and our mission determines our local church.” We desire to be people living for the King and His Kingdom!

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Galatians 3:1-14

Paul uses the example of Abraham to debunk the belief that people can be declared righteous by God based on their own actions and reinforces the fact that true righteousness comes only through faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross. This righteousness is available to all nations!

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Galatians 2:11-21

We have been justified by the faithfulness of Jesus, His finished work on the cross and are FREE from guilt and condemnation. We are free from sin and outward conformity and can come before God because of Jesus alone.

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Walking into our Inheritance

God has a spacious place for us and we enter in by faith, receiving all that Jesus has won for us. Because of Jesus we are co-heirs with Christ and can live finding our joy and hope in Him, despite our circumstance. We can dream big in Him, not living in fear of the unknown or wishing for what’s familiar but trusting in our big God and His good plans for our lives, moving into the more He has for us.

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The Heart of the Father

Understanding the love our our Heavenly Father will strengthen, refresh, envision, and encourage us through the tough times. Jesus went to the cross, per our Heavenly Father’s will, because He understood “This is my son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Matt 3:17). Let’s follow Jesus’ example and draw upon our Father’s love for everything that we do.

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The Faithfulness of God

Jesus brought a kingdom that was upside down, and inside out. The first will be last and the greatest will be the servant of all. When we are faithful in the small things, God leads us into and entrusts us with more.

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