Worship is the proper response to God’s revalation. Paul calls believers to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice in light of God’s incredible mercy , as an appropriate response . This is our true and proper worship. Wholehearted, unreserved devotion to Him in response to a proper understanding of God's unfailing love for us His unwavering faithfulness.
Read MoreThe Christian mandate of proclaiming the Gospel and advancing the Kingdom of God is at core of our identity and misssion as a Church and it shapes our vision and values . Hue shared about pushing back the darkness and taking ground against the enemy by shining the light of eternal life, evident through Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit, as we advance the Kingdom of God.
Read MoreHue Spoke about the vision, mission and values of restoration church.
Read MoreHue reminded us of our vision and values as Restoration Church. We are committed to pursuing Jesus and His presence through His Word, we practice Biblical community, and we desire to advance God’s kingdom by sharing the gospel. In doing these things we will be fulfilling our vision which is to, “Glorify Jesus Everywhere.”
Read MoreThank you so much for bringing a word of encouragement to Restoration! We put our trust in Our mighty God because He is able AND He is Sovereign!
Read MoreWe desire to truly live as people who have been set free and rescued into the Kingdom of God! Living as the church who has been transformed and finds her significance in Jesus will bring restoration to people around her. As each of us is living out this mission at Restoration, we will join with all other Christians around the world to eventually bring glory to Jesus everywhere.
Read MoreThank you Tyrone Daniel for reminding us to find our significance in Christ! “ Our revelation of Jesus determines our mission and our mission determines our local church.” We desire to be people living for the King and His Kingdom!
Read MoreJames encouraged us to be faithful in the “suspended seasons” and to stand and fight for the unity of our local church by honoring one another. Fight now for what is coming and fight now for now, because how we walk into our inheritance is flavored by our faithfulness with the right now. When we do this our local church becomes dangerously effective for the Kingdom.
Read MoreGod called Abraham his friend. In Genesis 18 we can see how the posture of Abraham’s heart and his response to different seasons in his walk of faith, prepared him for an encounter with the Lord.
Read MoreAbraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. Let’s emulate Abraham and be known as the people who have complete faith in God. Let Him always be the source of our encouragement, strength, wisdom, conviction, and guidance. Seek to hear Him always in all circumstances.
Read MoreAs Abrams friendship with God becomes ever deeper, we see Abram’s actions begin to reflect the heart of God in all that he does.
Read MoreThank you to James and Jesi Lusk for sharing with us about their upcoming adventure as they say “Yes” to God. The process of saying “Yes” was made easier through the revelation of who God is. As we come to know who God is, we know who we were and who we are in Christ. This revelation of God made the saying “Yes” easier! Watch out NYC. This great city is about get wrecked even more, through the Lusks, by the ever advancing Kingdom of God!
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