Posts in sermon audio

“To know Jesus is to Know God”

Jesus does not point us to the way of life. Jesus IS the Way, the Truth and the Life. HE is the light of the world and the bread of life. HE is the resurrection and life. Jesus is not pointing us to something other than himself.

Listen to the message now on our website or through Apple podcasts. Restoration Church- We are a local church located in Irving Park, Albany Park, Old Irving Park Chicago.

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Serve like Jesus Serves

“Understand that I HAVE a special gift- and that I AM a special gift to the body of Christ”

Steve and Teri Barr are trusted friends of restoration and they encouraged the church to follow Jesus’ example of humble service and use our gifts to serving Christ and one another wholeheartedly with humility and enthusiasm.

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1 Thessalonians 2

“The word of God” is the entire message of Jesus Christ including its implication for our lives”

John 1:1 walked us through Pauls ministry in Thessalonica from Thessalonians 2 highlighting the Paul’s encouragement for the church to be transformed by God’s work which is at work in those who believe.

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Worship- Response to the Revalation

Worship is the proper response to God’s revalation. Paul calls believers to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice in light of God’s incredible mercy , as an appropriate response . This is our true and proper worship. Wholehearted, unreserved devotion to Him in response to a proper understanding of God's unfailing love for us His unwavering faithfulness.

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