Sometimes our understanding and expectations of God's plan for our life contradicts our life experience. When our hope is deferred and disappointment sets in, we can be tempted to turn away from Jesus, But, His love will not allow us to become derailed from His call on our lives. He will pursue us and restore us.
Read MoreLuke 15 speaks to the heart of God for the lost and the great lengths He would go to for them to be saved. We are also called to share the love of Jesus with those around us and make room in our hearts for those who do not know Him!
Read MoreWe are called to be followers of Jesus Christ. As we reflect the true image and love of Jesus to those around us, others will come to truly know the church of Jesus Christ.
Read MoreJust as Jesus sharing the water of life to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), the church built by Jesus will be "messy" as she will be comprised of people from different backgrounds. We are to follow Jesus' example in acknowledging sins, but don't let those sins keep us from sharing the love and goodness of Jesus Christ.
Read MoreWe are reminded of the significance of Jesus' Resurrection. It is an unprecedented and undeniable proof of Jesus' power. His resurrection was God's acceptance of His sacrifice as payment for our original disobedience, which led to the consequence of mankind's spiritual death. As we chose to accept Jesus, we will have freedom and spiritual life for all eternity.
Read MoreNehemiah was God's servant to help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Just as God restored Jerusalem in phases and in fullness, He seeks to restore every aspect of our lives.
Read MorePaul reminded us that we are now free from human rules. Human rules were created by people to please people. We are called to submit to higher rules, which are from God. We will live in freedom when we live to please God.
Read MorePaul lived His life to make the mystery of Jesus known, "Christ in us! The Hope of Glory". Christianity is a relationship with Jesus, not a denomination, religion or philosophy... and our greatest joy is the intimacy we have with Him. We build our lives on Jesus! ~ the truth and hope of the gospel and God's love for us.
Read MoreJesus "brought" us into the Kingdom of God through His ultimate obedience. He reconciled us so we can be presented, before all creation, as "holy, without blemish and free from accusation". This status has already been reserved for us, "IF" we continue in our faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope of the gospel.
Read MoreJesus, the uncreated Creator, died on the cross for us so we can be ONE with Him, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. It is easy to obey and submit to Jesus through who He is and what He did.
Read MoreWe have been rescued from the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of the one who is before all things and in him all things hold together!
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