Hue encouraged us to be bold in sharing the gospel and to not be ashamed of it. It is not about us or our message but the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation.
Read MoreThe Christian mandate of proclaiming the Gospel and advancing the Kingdom of God is at core of our identity and misssion as a Church and it shapes our vision and values . Hue shared about pushing back the darkness and taking ground against the enemy by shining the light of eternal life, evident through Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit, as we advance the Kingdom of God.
Read MoreSummer is officially about to begin and as the weather warms up, so do the people as they are out a lot more in parks, beaches, and public spaces. As a church of witnesses of the goodness of God and the revelation of Jesus, we can take advantage of these opportunities to share about what Christ has done for us and point them to the Lord and King!
Read MoreToby encouraged us to study the Scriptures and see how they inform our everyday lives, help us to live faithfully, and share our faith with others.
Read MoreWe all impact the nations when we work together by partaking in the different roles within the local church. Hence, we will all get to enjoy the inheritance that have been set aside for us from our King.
Read MoreGod called Abraham his friend. In Genesis 18 we can see how the posture of Abraham’s heart and his response to different seasons in his walk of faith, prepared him for an encounter with the Lord.
Read MoreAbraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. Let’s emulate Abraham and be known as the people who have complete faith in God. Let Him always be the source of our encouragement, strength, wisdom, conviction, and guidance. Seek to hear Him always in all circumstances.
Read MoreAs Abrams friendship with God becomes ever deeper, we see Abram’s actions begin to reflect the heart of God in all that he does.
Read MoreOne of the values at Restoration is to advance His Kingdom. We believe this “value” is also applicable to all Christians everywhere as it is the “commission” from our King to all followers of Christ. The most effective, and impactful, way is to be transparent to those around us at all times while constantly making Jesus the focus and center of our lives. This can, and should, be done through the various people we interact with on a regular basis.
Read MoreHaving an Assurance of Our Salvation will allow us to confidently live with a Kingdom mindset, live with a pioneering spirit, and live as people on a mission. God has given us, individually and the church, all the gifts that we need to boldly embark on a mission to share the Good News and advance His Kingdom.
Read MoreWe have not only been given eternal life through our faith in Jesus, which in itself is more than what we deserve, but our Heavenly Father has also declared us as righteous and justified before all of creation. Let’s encourage each other to share this amazing Good News and live as people who have been justified from guilt, shame, lies, or condemnation of this world. Live truly as followers of Jesus, people who are justified, loved, and well-pleased by the One True God!
Read MoreTake comfort in knowing that God is always with us, through our salvation, because it is in His nature and His character! We have been reconciled with our Living God the moment we repent and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We have become one with the God of the universe just as Jesus is one with the Father (Jn 17:21-23).
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