John 16:16-33

Jesus wraps up his farewell discourse with his disciples, giving specific insight into what the future holds for them. His words are no less relevant for Christians today as we learn that we have a God who always lays out His plan while speaking to us individually regarding the Heart of the matters we face. If we aren’t hearing Him clearly, perhaps our perspective needs adjusting. This perspective encourages us to turn our attention to fellowship with Jesus first.

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John 15:18-27

In this section of the Farewell Discourse the disciples are warned that the world will hate them. This is true for us as well as we are also disciples of Jesus. When we encounter hate from the world we can be reassured that Jesus is with us, because He gave us the Holy Spirit, and we are therefore capable of continuing to obey Jesus’ commands even in difficult circumstances.

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John 15:1-8

As Jesus prepares to leave His disciples He uses the analogy of the vine and the branches to encourage His disciples to remain in Him. As we are also Jesus’ disciples, His prized possession, we can know that these words are also for us. Jesus promises that if we remain in Him whatever we ask for will be done. When this is lived out in our lives we will bear fruit and this will bring glory to the Father.

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John 14:22-31

Jesus is giving a farewell discourse to His disciples and He is assuring them that He will be leaving them with His presence. Even when He is physically gone, they will never be alone. We can believe the same thing as we are disciples of Jesus. He will never leave us alone and the Advocate- the Holy Spirit- is with us.

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John 14: 16-21

In this passage, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to His followers. The Holy Spirit being part of the Trinity is God and we should revere Him as such. He is a comforter- an advocate- and He is in every believer.

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John 13:31-38

The command Jesus gives His disciples to, “Love one another as I have loved you,” entails more than meets the eye. Ryan discusses the relationship between love, faith, and sacrifice as it relates to carrying out this command in the local church in order to fully experience the glory of God and to bring that glory into the world.

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