John 12:12-36

“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.” These are the words of Jesus in John 12. Vanessa encouraged challenged us to really follow Jesus. to pursue fellowship with one another to strengthen our faith especially in the hard times, and to know that we carry the light of the world in us everywhere we go.

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John 11:38-44

Just as Jesus asked those grieving the death of Lazarus, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” So the same question can be asked of us. If we believe we will follow Jesus, do the things He asks of us, and then we will see the glory of God!

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John 11:17-37

In John 11, after the death of Lazarus, Jesus grieves alongside Martha and Mary. Then Jesus comforts them with the truth of who He is. He tells them He is the resurrection and the life and they express faith in who He says He is. Do we believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? Who we believe Jesus to be changes everything!

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John 10:21-42

We must believe that Jesus is who He said He is- the Son of God. In John 10 we see there is conflict over who Jesus claims to be. Jesus stands His ground using Scripture. In the same way we need to study the scriptures so we can have a strong foundation and know the good works that God has called us to do.

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John 10:1-21

In the first half of John 10 we heard that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He is also the gate to the fold. As the gate, He is the only way to eternal life. As the Good Shepherd, He cares for us, His sheep, even to the point of laying down His own life so that we might have life and have it to the full. His sheep know His voice and they follow Him. Will you follow Him?

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Jesus Above Everything

Vanessa challenged us with the question, “Do we love Jesus enough to keep Him first?” Even just busyness can get in the way of us prioritizing Jesus. We were encouraged that if other things had taken Jesus’ place as Lord in our lives, that we could simply come back!

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John 9:1-23

We are surrounded by darkness in the world we live in and as a result, we experience suffering. In John 9 we see this in the account of a man born blind who was healed by Jesus. We see as Jesus explains to His disciples, that this man’s suffering had a purpose to ultimately glorify God. We also carry this purpose. Jesus is the light in this dark world and He is in us. We must believe in Him, go out sharing His light, and resist and persist through the darkness.

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Vision + Values - Part I

Hue reminded us of our vision and values as Restoration Church. We are committed to pursuing Jesus and His presence through His Word, we practice Biblical community, and we desire to advance God’s kingdom by sharing the gospel. In doing these things we will be fulfilling our vision which is to, “Glorify Jesus Everywhere.”

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