As Jesus prepares to leave His disciples He uses the analogy of the vine and the branches to encourage His disciples to remain in Him. As we are also Jesus’ disciples, His prized possession, we can know that these words are also for us. Jesus promises that if we remain in Him whatever we ask for will be done. When this is lived out in our lives we will bear fruit and this will bring glory to the Father.
Read MoreJesus is giving a farewell discourse to His disciples and He is assuring them that He will be leaving them with His presence. Even when He is physically gone, they will never be alone. We can believe the same thing as we are disciples of Jesus. He will never leave us alone and the Advocate- the Holy Spirit- is with us.
Read MoreIn this passage, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to His followers. The Holy Spirit being part of the Trinity is God and we should revere Him as such. He is a comforter- an advocate- and He is in every believer.
Read MoreJesus has been faithful and shown Himself to us. We must believe in Him for who He has shown Himself to be and not ask for more signs. We must also love Him for this love will empower us to obey His commands!
Read MoreThank you Paul and Minda Nichols for coming and encouraging us to truly be the church that Jesus is building!
Read MoreJust as Jesus asked those grieving the death of Lazarus, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” So the same question can be asked of us. If we believe we will follow Jesus, do the things He asks of us, and then we will see the glory of God!
Read MoreIn John 11, after the death of Lazarus, Jesus grieves alongside Martha and Mary. Then Jesus comforts them with the truth of who He is. He tells them He is the resurrection and the life and they express faith in who He says He is. Do we believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? Who we believe Jesus to be changes everything!
Read MoreEven when we are going through a hard season we can know that it is for the glory of God. We must live from a place of having this revelation. When we do we will worship Jesus through the hardship and we will have confidence that there is victory in Him!
Read MoreIn the first half of John 10 we heard that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He is also the gate to the fold. As the gate, He is the only way to eternal life. As the Good Shepherd, He cares for us, His sheep, even to the point of laying down His own life so that we might have life and have it to the full. His sheep know His voice and they follow Him. Will you follow Him?
Read MoreVanessa challenged us with the question, “Do we love Jesus enough to keep Him first?” Even just busyness can get in the way of us prioritizing Jesus. We were encouraged that if other things had taken Jesus’ place as Lord in our lives, that we could simply come back!
Read MoreTyrone Daniel was with us this past Sunday and challenged us to continuously say, “yes,” to Jesus! Thank you Tyrone for always reminding us that Jesus is above everything and is worthy of our obedience and submission to His Lordship.
Read MoreWe are surrounded by darkness in the world we live in and as a result, we experience suffering. In John 9 we see this in the account of a man born blind who was healed by Jesus. We see as Jesus explains to His disciples, that this man’s suffering had a purpose to ultimately glorify God. We also carry this purpose. Jesus is the light in this dark world and He is in us. We must believe in Him, go out sharing His light, and resist and persist through the darkness.
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