Posts tagged extravagantworship

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church.
Ephesians 1:22
Jesus is the center and focus of our worship and we worship Him simply because of who He is. When we center our lives around Jesus, we receive Heaven’s perspective and can be encouraged, strengthened, and refreshed from being in the presence of God.

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Grace of Giving

God’s grace is absolutely necessary for us to faithfully walk into the calling He has intended for each of us. Jesus dying on the cross is an example of God’s grace in action. Once we have that understanding, “giving” is no longer about us giving what is ours to God, but it becomes our response of gratitude - the same as our response of gratitude in our worship/lifestyle for His grace over our lives.

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Man was made for worship, and our lives will be formed and molded by what we consciously or unconsciously choose to worship. When we worship God, it transforms us and causes us to greater reflect His character and His ways.

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