The Christian mandate of proclaiming the Gospel and advancing the Kingdom of God is at core of our identity and misssion as a Church and it shapes our vision and values . Hue shared about pushing back the darkness and taking ground against the enemy by shining the light of eternal life, evident through Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit, as we advance the Kingdom of God.
Read MoreMike spoke about what it means to be part of a biblical commuity. God calls us to live in community, to contunually meet together and fellowship within a local church.
Read MoreHue Spoke about the vision, mission and values of restoration church.
Read MoreHue ppoke from Proverbs 4 about the need to priorotize and passionately pursue Jesus.
Read MoreRyan spoke about the relationship between Faith and Trust from Proverbs 3:5-6.
Read More“The Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth comes understanding”. Thomas and Danyil sahred about the importance of gaining and applying wisdom. Christ is the wisdom and power of God, and God alone is the giver of wisdom. “The call to wisdom is the call to Christ”
Read MoreThe church is a spiritual household and 1 peter says that we are “living stones”. Each of us have a unique gift and contribution to bring that is significant for the life of the Church.
Read MoreVanessa spoke about spiritual warfare and being equipped with the armor of God,
Read MoreHue reminded us about God’s heart for His people. God’s biggest desire for us is to offer us the gift of salvation and be in fellowship with Him. He then invites to join him in restoring and redeeming all things according to his great plan!
Read MoreKen and Michelle shared about the heart of God for his children and His tender, fatherly love for us. They also gave some practical tips on living by the spirit, in tune and communion with God.
Read MoreThis week we we started chapter 4 in our Ephesians series. Ryan echoed Paul's words "urging" us "to live in a manner worthy our calling". We are called to be ground and established in God's love, to live in unity and love with his body, the church.
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