The Christian mandate of proclaiming the Gospel and advancing the Kingdom of God is at core of our identity and misssion as a Church and it shapes our vision and values . Hue shared about pushing back the darkness and taking ground against the enemy by shining the light of eternal life, evident through Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit, as we advance the Kingdom of God.
Read MoreMike spoke about what it means to be part of a biblical commuity. God calls us to live in community, to contunually meet together and fellowship within a local church.
Read MoreHue Spoke about the vision, mission and values of restoration church.
Read MoreHue reminded us of our vision and values as Restoration Church. We are committed to pursuing Jesus and His presence through His Word, we practice Biblical community, and we desire to advance God’s kingdom by sharing the gospel. In doing these things we will be fulfilling our vision which is to, “Glorify Jesus Everywhere.”
Read MoreLet’s get back to God’s original design and function of the local church! His way is always perfect and better than our ways. It is the same with His original intention for the church (Eph 3:10) as it transcends culture, generations, and geography. God’s design for His church is always perfect and better than any model man can come up with in building His church (Matt 16:18).
Read MoreOne of the values at Restoration is to advance His Kingdom. We believe this “value” is also applicable to all Christians everywhere as it is the “commission” from our King to all followers of Christ. The most effective, and impactful, way is to be transparent to those around us at all times while constantly making Jesus the focus and center of our lives. This can, and should, be done through the various people we interact with on a regular basis.
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