We yearn to be the church full of prayers as Biblical prayer is a conversation, richly saturated with love, between man and God.
Read MoreThank you Ken for joining us in celebrating the significance of Restoration’s 4th birthday in giving thanks and honoring the people around us.
Read MoreAs we run with endurance, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, because He is our prize and our reward! He is our hope!
Read MoreThrough Hebrews 11, we remember the example of those who were faithful before us, we acknowledge that this world is not our home, and instead look forward to eternity with our Saviour.
Read More“…since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart…Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on…” (Hebrews 10:21-24)
Now is the time to put our faith into practice. Trusting God, fixing our eyes on Jesus and looking ahead to what He has called us to. Because He who promised us is faithful!
Read MoreWhile the Old Covenant bears many similarities to the New Covenant, their differences are what make the Old Covenant obsolete. Tune in to hear why the New Covenant’s mediator, sacrifice, and promised outcome make it a better than the Old and how this all relates to us today.
Read MoreGod swore an oath to a new covenant because He, through His grace and mercy, wanted us to have a better covenant with Him. He spoke of the “coming days” of this better covenant, which was the coming of Jesus, through Jeremiah hundreds of years prior.
Read MoreJesus is greater than all the previous High Priests because He came from the order of Melchizedek, the first Priest of God Most High (Gen 14:18). Take comfort in knowing that Jesus is able to save us completely and always lives to intercede for us (Hebrews 7:25)
Read MoreThank you so much for bringing a word of encouragement to Restoration! We put our trust in Our mighty God because He is able AND He is Sovereign!
Read MoreAll followers of Jesus Christ, we have been commissioned to share the gospel and bring glory to Jesus. The best and easiest way to achieve that purpose is to obey His command to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34-35). We will be supernaturally lifted onto a platform to share the gospel to everyone when we radically love one another (1 Cor 13) as Jesus has loved us.
Read MoreHaving assurance of our salvation is not something we can only hope in. We can know for certain the inheritance that awaits us as God’s children.
Read MoreGod has a plan and purpose for each of us because “all the days ordained for us were written in His book before one of them came to to be.” (Ps. 139). Restoration was birthed to be a place where people are rescued, restored, redeemed and eventually released to walk fully into what was ordained in His book.
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