As Jesus called us to be His friends (John 15:13-16), let’s learn from the first person whom God called Friend - Abraham (Is 41:8). In Genesis 12, we learned that Abraham actively obeyed God. Let’s emulate this attribute, obedience through action, as it will enable us to walk fully into the promises of God and be called Friends of God.
Read MoreThe most important revelation we have, is our revelation of who Jesus is. Let’s keep our passion and love for Jesus alive and be a church that is captivated by Jesus. Our revelation of Jesus will keep us from dry Christianity and going through the motions.
David pursued and longed for the presence of God, even when his own son was trying to kill him. (Ps. 63) We also can run into the Presence of God and receive grace and mercy in our time of need. (Heb. 4:16)
Let’s get back to God’s original design and function of the local church! His way is always perfect and better than our ways. It is the same with His original intention for the church (Eph 3:10) as it transcends culture, generations, and geography. God’s design for His church is always perfect and better than any model man can come up with in building His church (Matt 16:18).
Read MoreOne of the values at Restoration is to advance His Kingdom. We believe this “value” is also applicable to all Christians everywhere as it is the “commission” from our King to all followers of Christ. The most effective, and impactful, way is to be transparent to those around us at all times while constantly making Jesus the focus and center of our lives. This can, and should, be done through the various people we interact with on a regular basis.
Read MoreHaving an Assurance of Our Salvation will allow us to confidently live with a Kingdom mindset, live with a pioneering spirit, and live as people on a mission. God has given us, individually and the church, all the gifts that we need to boldly embark on a mission to share the Good News and advance His Kingdom.
Read MoreGod is calling us to experience the the glory of his presence, to hear and awaken to His call, turn to him, and celebrate with others, and rejoice in the fellowship of His presence. As we unfold the story of Joseph, we can see that he is one who stood firm to experience the presence of God in such a fruitful way. God desires that you enter into his presence, and be filled with overwhelming joy. How will you experience God?
Read MoreAs we come to know Jesus more, as God, King of the universe, creator and sustainer of everything, and Savior of the world, we find our security and identity in Him (Heb.1:1). Knowing Jesus, gives our lives purpose and identity. We are loved, accepted, called, chosen by Him, not defined by our past, or the things that have happened to us. So instead of asking “Who am I?” our question should be, “Jesus, who are you?”
Read MoreWe have not only been given eternal life through our faith in Jesus, which in itself is more than what we deserve, but our Heavenly Father has also declared us as righteous and justified before all of creation. Let’s encourage each other to share this amazing Good News and live as people who have been justified from guilt, shame, lies, or condemnation of this world. Live truly as followers of Jesus, people who are justified, loved, and well-pleased by the One True God!
Read MoreTake comfort in knowing that God is always with us, through our salvation, because it is in His nature and His character! We have been reconciled with our Living God the moment we repent and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We have become one with the God of the universe just as Jesus is one with the Father (Jn 17:21-23).
Read MoreLet us all have complete assurance of our Salvation through Jesus! It is because our lives as Christians are dependent upon our understanding of the Salvation we have received through Jesus. The more assurance we have of our position as God’s people, the more we will be able live with conviction and boldness in following God’s word. Therefore, as we live each day with the Assurance of our Salvation, we will freely share the Greatest News Ever to those around us.
Read MoreThank you Steve for reminding us that we are saved from death, slavery, and condemnation STRICTLY because of God’s great love for us. It is by grace, through faith, that we have salvation so no one can boast in their own good works.
Read MoreThank you to Cindy Booth for her encouragement through the story of Jacob to set up memorial pillars in order to remind us of the promises that God has made.
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